Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Blessed Catch

Jesus is calling, inviting, challenging us to trust Him in the deep places for the catch He will provide. The "deep" can 
be an uncomfortable place - filled with threats of danger, discomfort, and insecurities...
But when we obey, He's faithful to give all that's necessary - the blessed catch.
Question is,
What do we do with the catch?

    Disciple widowed/single mammas opened ministry-businesses where they tell testimonies of the Lord's provision to care for their children.
    Share God's love and redemption with handicapped, orphaned children.
    Minister in churches on missions, adoption and orphan prevention. 

Asante sana for helping us "go out in the deep" and "teach others to fish."
Let the cycle of the blessed catch continue in Jesus name.

We appreciate your prayers, support and encouragement.
hugs from the haugers Ooo0