Sunday, June 17, 2012


It came!
It finally came!
The long awaited shipment 
of donated school supplies and resources.
And was it worth it?  
You betcha!
So many of the gently used items are 
very expensive here and very poor quality 
or not available at all.  
The church in Momboleo
is going start THE BEST school.  
Do you know why? 
Because God said 
He would make sure the poor are cared for.
(Do a scripture study on helping the poor!)

Below are photos of the 
and the story of how God brought it all together 
for the least of these.
(Matt 25:31- 46)

Two years ago we sat in a sweltering cafe, 
drinking mango juice with Pastor Jeremiah.
He shared how difficult it was to minister in a needy community when the church itself had so little.  
We discussed an idea...
What if we found donors and donations to match 
what the church raised and do a project that would 
bless the community in Jesus name?

We committed everything to God in prayer 
and traveled home.  
It would take two years to see God's plan unfold...

First, Jeremiah's church faithfully gave 
to construct a sturdy tin structure.

People stateside donated funds used to build 
a pit latrine and construct a fence 
(both necessary to start a school in Kenya).

Pagosa Springs students generously filled boxes with 
 books, binders, pencils, pens, markers, crayons, rulers,
paper, erasers, glue, and all sorts of supplies 
left over from the school term.

Friends from various churches gathered curriculum, resources, manipulatives and teaching aids.

More great friends transported the supplies to a safe place 
for storage that was provided by another great friend.

And even more great friends packed the donated shipping crates, counting and catagorizing each and every item.

we waited... and prayed... and waited... and prayed.
Scripture says it's a good thing to wait on the Lord so we encouraged ourselves with those words. 
Waiting.. praying... waiting some more...always praying.

after refusing to pay bribes and experiencing daily delays  
the shipment arrived! 
Contagious excitement invaded in the community.  
Masai warriors helped unload the truck.
Different tribes working together for God's glory.

The line of cooperation brings boxes 
into the church.

So many supplies in a place 
that never experienced such things.

Sharing with the delivery men -  a m*slim 
 was in awe of the teamwork and unity.

The value of books... 
Everyone stops to look with wonder at God's provision. 
(Books here, even paperbacks, 
are scarce and usually cost 20usd each.)

Children gratefully embrace something
they don't have - toys.

Because of what God did and the way He did it, 
people asked for prayer in Jesus name.
(Our motto - Kingdom equation: Biblical Development + Evangelism = Sharing the Gospel)

Soon, a Christian school starts in this building by local believers - a blessing to the community.

This SPeCIaL DeLIvErY came through God's people working together - from small town USA to rural Kenya, 
from believers at different churches to believers from
different tribes, from Pagosa students and friends 
to forgotten children.  
And one great Asian in California who helped connect 
it through oceans and continents.

Asante sana.
You all made it a SPeCIaL DeLIvErY indeed!

hugs from the haugers O0ooo