Sunday, May 20, 2012

.09 seconds for 2 hours

This .09 second video clip (thanks Casey) was our experience for two hours. An experience that speaks...
Descending the Rift Valley escarpment, Mark worked his 
way though the winding road as rain began to fall in 
earnest.  Along the flat bottom, cars had stopped… 
Wildlife? An accident? Then, we saw it move – earth 
heaving toward us, throbbing with water from the 
mountains. Dirt, silt, small trees and large rocks churned along the side of the car, some rolling violently across 
our path.It seemed surreal, like someone had planted 
an invisible movie screen outside the window. 
We were in the flood zone with no way out.

We waited. We prayed. We watched, amazed and a 
little concerned as the muddy water flushed out onto 
the Serengeti savannah stretched before us. Masai 
observed from the hills, leaning on their spears, murmuring 
to one another. Mutatus, trucks and automobiles shifted 
back and forth, trying to avoid high waters that broke over 
the road. Fretful faces stared at the strong currents slipping 
under their vehicles. Uneasy tension rose with the water.  

That’s when I heard the still small Voice of scripture 
bubbling in my mind.
“When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit 
of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” 
Isaiah 59:19 KJV

Yes, we all know those times when we feel the enemy’s 
presence on every side. Pressed down by torrents of tests, 
trials and temptations.  Crises overwhelm us like a deluge; 
we struggle to keep our heads above, gasping for the breath 
of God. Those times inundated with trouble, remember 
the promise – He rises up a standard of protection and 
provision.  Truly a lesson to meditate upon considering our situation.  These words comforted me, yet something 
unexpected seeped in…

“Move the comma.”


“What if the comma came after the word enemy instead 
of flood?

(For all of you who think I just blasphemed by “changing 
scripture” I certainly did not. Consider the word flood in 
this verse means nahar – prosperity, sparkle, cheerful.)

“When the enemy comes in
like a flood the Spirit of the Lord 
shall lift up a standard against him.”

I saw God in the flood. He agitates cleansing currents 
against evil influences, whipping the weights that so 
easily beset us. His rolling presence penetrates the drought 
of our neglect, breaking up hard ground so new life can 
grow.  He is in the flood - powerful, surging, bring a standard 
of obedience and blessing (Isaiah 28:2).

I gazed at the rising filth with new eyes.  I saw sin being 
swept away.  I saw God’s covering hand holding us as 
His strength removed the debris that pollutes our souls 
(Psalm 90:5). His intensity to rush in like a flood to save 
made sure a way out. His waters overwhelm with grace. 

In the midst of a storm in central Kenya, that delayed our 
best-laid plans for hours, God spoke. When life experiences 
feel like drowning waves, the Lord’s standard comes in like 
flood of freedom  (Ezekiel 47:1-9).

Asante sana for your prayer, support and encouragement.
hugs from the haugers oooo